Hi, I am Umar-Ibn-Sulaiman

personalize theme

*theme setting will be saved for
your next visit

what I do?

I am a begginer in programming. I just completed HTML and CSS

MOre about me

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga, quaerat!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga, quaerat nmkcvj oihgero jhremirh ieghih jj gdger!


fullstake dev withfocus on django + react: Download my resume

  • python
  • django
  • vue
  • java
  • react
  • G-maps API
  • js charts
  • aws
  • heroku
  • html/css

Some of my past projects

my first portfolio site

this was my first created website ! it took me 2 days in a row.

Link of this site
camera site

this website is so cool! because here i used just 2 color!

Link of this site

this is my first created family website! its not a project though

Link of this site

Get in touch